Children Adoration Mission December 8, 2022: “Let the Children Come to Me”

By Pinay Pilgrim
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Aside from Pure Heart PH missions, I also had the chance to serve at the Children Adoration apostolate of the Brothers of Saint John – Taboan. This apostolate caterers to 6 to 12 years old kids living in the neighborhood. Some of them were from the streets; some were students at the nearby elementary school. I joined the event that was held on December 8, 2022, during the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. It was an apt day for that activity. I was very excited about that event. And it seemed that the kids were as excited as I was. Over a hundred of them arrived at the priory way ahead of time. And there were only 7 servers/facilitators, myself included. We didn’t anticipate that number. So, we just followed the promptings of the Holy Spirit and just be spontaneous, observant, and sensitive to the needs of the kids.

Souls, Scents, and Sounds

As kids, they’re really full of energy. Yes, it became overwhelming at some point. But the grace of God and our Blessed Mother also overflowed.

I can tell by their smell that they had been playing and sweating all morning. But as I looked into their eyes, I could see beautiful souls – fragile yet hopeful and strong. Their laughter reminded me of my own childhood when all I cared about was having food three times a day, shelter, and play. That time when simple things meant a lot and sleep was fast, deep, and peaceful.

As I looked at them, I also wondered how their future would turn out. I prayed that their good fortune would last until they were old enough to stand on their own. Or if they’re in tough family situations, I hope that God will provide them with everything they need – food, shelter, and virtues – to survive. I can only meet them for two hours per month. And there’s nothing really much that I can do than to entrust them to the care of our Virgin Mother.

Children Adoration Mama Mary’s Motherly Care

Thinking about kids, I can’t also help but imagine the time when our Blessed Virgin Mother was a child. She had the virtuous St. Anne to give her the nurturing, motherly care she needed. But I wonder how many of the kids who joined the event had that kind of positive feminine role model in their life. I talked with the parents who accompanied their kids to that event, and I heard that some of the kids were children of teenagers and incarcerated mothers. Some were living on the streets for many years. I saw myself in many of those kids, especially those who grew up in poverty and social ridicule.

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For many years, I’ve been too focused on working because I thought that career success could help me heal the wounds of my own childhood. But as I looked at those children, I finally found the consolation of the suffering that I had endured. My struggles started to make sense. And I think I’m beginning to understand the yoke that God gave me.

Life struggles and wounds aren’t meant to be kept secret. It’s meant to be shared, especially with the younger ones who’re going through the same situation. One person’s mistake is another person’s guidebook. We could use our struggles as a learning ground for ourselves and others.

Then, I remembered the phrase “Her wounds come from the same source as her power.” These words were the last line of Adrienne Rich’s poem “Power.” And it has a point. Our woundedness could break us. But it could also help me become a better person.